Fight to Regain Your Health After Trauma

No matter how strong you are, life will knock you down. Whether it is traumatic injury, illness, or simply aging, at some point you will have to fight for your health. This program emphasizes the regain of function and daily activities after a hospital stay or time being on bed rest. Being in the hospital or on bed rest is no fun. You often enter the hospital to fix one problem, but leave less healthy overall. The most common symptoms or side effects are loss of muscle, loss of range of motion (tightness), shortness of breath or decreased cardiorespiratory function, poor circulation, worsened posture, lower energy, fat gain, muscle soreness, joint pains, and sometimes possible organ malfunctions. We have customized workout routines that can be done from anywhere, even while you’re still in the hospital or once returning home, to specifically combat and reverse each of these symptoms (with the possible exception of organ malfunctions). These are not meant to replace PT or OT, but this should instead compliment them, and help to get you back to the life you enjoy as fast as possible. Our goal is to help you become healthier, stronger, and more physically fit than when you entered the hospital.

Class Packages:

  • 1 Class (or 2 Virtual): $50

  • 10 Classes (or 20 Virtual): $450

  • 20 Classes (or 40 Virtual): $800

  • Unlimited Virtual: $80 per month


Private Training:

  • 1 Session: $200

  • 5 Sessions: $975

  • 10 Sessions: $1,900


All classes are one hour (est time zone):

ZOOM: Our virtual zoom can be done from anywhere.  They require a minimal amount of space and very little equipment.  We only recommend a pair of light weights for the strength portion, but you can use water bottles, soup cans, etc. if you don't have weights.  You can use a wall or chair for balance if needed, and can do some or all of the class seated if you prefer. 

Just click the link at the start of class and get ready to rock!  Can turn your camera on if you want feedback or keep it off if you prefer anonymous.

Corresponding links:

Tuesdays (12pm) - Join Zoom Meeting

Fridays (12pm) - Join Zoom Meeting

Subscribe to get access to member-only Cancer Workout Videos.

Our workouts will include boxing and other martial arts (non-contact), resistance training, stretching and active mobility training, scar tissue work, increased blood flow, balance exercises, posture work, endurance/cardiovascular training, etc.

Member Workout Videos
Every month

$5 monthly for pre-recorded workout videos. Videos range in duration as well as difficulty level. New videos are added continually.