Parkinson’s Monthly Options

Unlimited Live Virtual Parkinson's Workout Classes (Monthly Subscription)
$80.00 every month

2-3 virtual zoom classes offered each week, plus an additional option to tune in virtually to our live streamed in person classes from our NYC studio.

Unlimited In-Person Parkinson's Workout Classes (monthly subscription)
$260.00 every month

We offer 3-5 in person classes each week.


Looking for class packages or private training?

Subscribe to get access to member-only workout videos

Our workouts will include boxing and other martial arts (non contact), resistance training, stretching and active mobility training, hand exercises, face exercises, speech exercises, balance exercises, posture work, endurance/cardiovascular training, etc. They are taught by experienced and educated trainers with specific Parkinson's certifications such as Rock Steady Boxing Coach, LSVT, PWR, and more.

Member Workout Videos
Every month

$5 monthly for pre-recorded workout videos. Videos range in duration as well as difficulty level. New videos are added continually.